Links About New Zealand's Italian Campaign

The following links may be useful to you in discovering more about New Zealand's war in Italy, and in WWII

Online Books

•  New Zealand Electronic Text Centre - Official History of the Second World War Series, which include the following titles of greatest interest:

•  Italy Volume One - The Sangro To Cassino, by Neville Crompton Phillips

•  Italy Volume Two - From Cassino to Trieste, by Robin Langford Kay

•  18 Battalion and Armoured Regiment, by William Denham Dawson

•  19 Battalion and Armoured Regiment, by D.W. Sinclair

•  20 Battalion and Armoured Regiment, by W.E. Murphy

•  21 Battalion, by Joseph F. Cody

•  22 Battalion, by Jim H. Henderson

•  23 Battalion, by Lt. Col. Angus Ross

•  24 Battalion, by Randall Mathews Burdon

•  25 Battalion, by Edward Puttick

•  26 Battalion, by Frazer D. Norton

•  27 (Machine Gun) Battalion, by Robin Langford Kay

•  28 (Maori) Battalion, by Joseph F. Cody

•  4th and 6th Reserve mechanical Transport Companies, by Jim H. Henderson

•  Divisional Cavalry, by R.J.M. Loughnan

•  Divisional Signals, by Major C. Allan Borman

• Journey Towards Christmas, by Stephen Peter Llewellyn

•  Medical Units of 2NZEF in Middle East and Italy, by J.B. McKinney

•  New Zealand Engineers, Middle East, by Joseph F. Cody

•  New Zealand Medical Services in Middle East and Italy by Dr. Thomas Duncan MacGregor Scott

•  New Zealanders with the Royal Air Force (Volume III) by H.L. Thompson

•  Petrol Company, by Arthur Leon Nelson Kidson

Discussion Forums

•  Wings Over New Zealand Forum - my own renowned forum with RNZAF, Army and Navy sections

•  World War 2 Talk - an online forum with a section on Italy, with actual veterans and experts

•  Militaria New Zealand


•  Nga Toa - Patrick Bronte's site on Kiwi Veterans

Films and Television Presentations You Can Watch Online

•  The Years Back - The Italian Campaign (via NZ On Screen - highly recommended)

•  Tama Tū  (Short film via NZ On Screen - highly recommended)

•  Kiwi Nightmares - the Battles of Monte Cassino (Documentary via Youtube)

•  The Hidden Truth of WWII: Monte Cassino (Documentary via Youtube)

•  Monte Cassino- The Soldiers Story (Documentary via Youtube)


Further Reading About New Zealand's Italian Campaign

The following books may be useful to you in learning more about New Zealand's war in Italy


•  Up The Blue by Roger Smith (2000)

•  Cassino to Trieste: A Soldier's Story by E.B. "Scotch" Paterson (2004)

  Kiwis On Tour In Egypt and Italy by A.S. Helm (1948)

•  One More River by Gordon Slatter (1995)

•  Whistle As You Go - The Story of the Kiwi Concert Party by Terry Vaughn

•  From North Africa to The Arakan by Alan Peart DFC



•  Freyburg: Churchill's Salamander by Laurie Barber and John Tonkin-Covell (1989)

•  Freyburg VC - The Man by Major-General W.G. Stevens (1965)


History Books

•  Kiwi Down The Strada by Leslie Hobbs, photos by George F. Kaye, and cartoons by Neville Colvin (1965)

•  The Battles of Monte Cassino: Then And Now by Jeffrey Plowman and Perry Rowe (2011)

•  North From Taranto - New Zealanders and the Liberation of Italy 1943-45, by John Crawford (1994)

•  The Twenty Fourth New Zealand Infantry Battalion: A Pictorial History, by F.L. Phillips and N.R. Gilmour (1980)

•  The Story of Maori Battalion, by Wira Gardiner (1992)

•  39/34 Heavy Mortar Battery, 7th Anti-Tank Regiment, 2NZEF in Italy 1944, by R.D. Munro (1990)

•  4th New Zealand Armoured Brigade in Italy, by Jeffrey Plowman and M. Thomas (c.2000)

•  One More River: The Final Campaign of the Second New Zealand Division in Italy, by Gordon Slatter (1995)

•  A Fair Sort of Battering, New Zealanders Remember The Italian Campaign, edited by Megan Hutching (2004)

•  Cassino: New Zealand Soldiers in the Battle For Italy, by T. Williams (2002)

•  Italian Odyssey: New Zealanders in the Battle for Italy, by Matthew Wright (2003)

•  To The Gateways Of Florence: New Zealand Forces in Tuscany 1944, edited by Stefano Fusi (2011)

•  Lost Opportunity At Cassino by Ron Crosby (2007)




Contact Series Producer and Webmaster Dave Homewood
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